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Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20
Capricorn is an Earth sign and is regarded as rigid, intolerant, stoic, suspicious, pessimistic, fatalistic, inhibited, unforgiving, domineering, materialistic, patient, prudent, ambitious, honorable, reliable, efficient, serious, responsible, cautious, traditional, conventional, practical, perfectionist, hardworking.
When it comes to love Capricorns are generally steadfast and deliberate finding safety and comfort in all that is tried and true. They can be on the cautious side about sharing their heart, but their reliability as partners is hard to resist for many people.
They act respectfully in love, and take extra care not to hurt a partner. For that matter, they take extra care not to get hurt themselves.
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Vedete in Capricorn
Nikolai Khabibulin
January 13, 1973
Oana Ban
January 11, 1986
Oleg Tinkov
December 25, 1967

Olivia Steer
December 30, 1975
Raisa Gorbachev
January 5, 1932
Rudolf Bing
January 9, 1902
Sergei Prikhodko
January 12, 1957
Shamil Basayev
January 14, 1965
Silviu Brucan
January 18, 1916
Simona Sensual
January 15, 1983
Steve Hard
January 1, 1964
Tatiana Sorokko
December 26, 1971
Tibor Berczelly
January 3, 1912
Vera Nabokov
January 2, 1902
Viktoria Postnikova
January 12, 1944
Yelena Bechke
January 7, 1966
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