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Zile de nastere Populare
1 Ian 317 celebritati
19 Sep 217 celebritati
5 Mai 212 celebritati
18 Iul 212 celebritati
4 Apr 211 celebritati
15 Sep 210 celebritati
25 Feb 206 celebritati
1 Mai 206 celebritati
17 Iul 204 celebritati
19 Iun 204 celebritati
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Actori nascuti in Iulie.
Peter Paulhoffer
Peter Paulhoffer
July 22, 1941
Brian Dennehy
Brian Dennehy
July 9, 1938
Brian Hooks
Brian Hooks
July 27, 1973

Amir Haddad
Amir Haddad
July 2, 1937
Burt Ward
Burt Ward
July 6, 1945
Dale Girard
Dale Girard
July 4, 1964
Ian Anthony Dale
Ian Anthony Dale
July 3, 1978
Belinda Montgomery
Belinda Montgomery
July 23, 1950
Owen Smith
Owen Smith
July 3, 1973
Marion Game
Marion Game
July 31, 1942
Lee Tergesen
Lee Tergesen
July 8, 1965
Natalia Ginzburg
Natalia Ginzburg
July 14, 1916
Asta Esper Hagen Andersen
Asta Esper Hagen Andersen
July 19, 1919
Margo Martindale
Margo Martindale
July 18, 1951
Heinz Bennent
Heinz Bennent
July 18, 1921
Matt Miller
Matt Miller
July 23, 1963
Lars Berteig Andersen
Lars Berteig Andersen
July 9, 1988
Lisa Pelikan
Lisa Pelikan
July 12, 1964
Carol Leifer
Carol Leifer
July 27, 1956
Renato Pozzetto
Renato Pozzetto
July 14, 1940
Michelle Kwan
Michelle Kwan
July 7, 1980
Bruno Mattei
Bruno Mattei
July 30, 1931
Maxim Litvinov
Maxim Litvinov
July 17, 1876
Viktor Braun
Viktor Braun
July 21, 1899
Olivier Gourmet
Olivier Gourmet
July 22, 1963
Giuseppe Patruno
Giuseppe Patruno
July 26, 1945
Daryl Mitchell
Daryl Mitchell
July 16, 1965
C.K. Yang
C.K. Yang
July 10, 1932
Andrey Myagkov
Andrey Myagkov
July 8, 1938
Olivier Py
Olivier Py
July 25, 1965
Roger Serbagi
Roger Serbagi
July 26, 1937
Kelly Wagner
Kelly Wagner
July 16, 1972
Alice Taglioni
Alice Taglioni
July 26, 1976
Vera Marshe
Vera Marshe
July 15, 1905
Paula Baldwin
Paula Baldwin
July 1, 1955
Franca Valeri
Franca Valeri
July 31, 1920
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Error at line: 1055 : Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'famousro_ro_famousdata.celebrity.c_views' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

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