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Octombrie 2024
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Zile de nastere Populare
1 Ian 317 celebritati
19 Sep 217 celebritati
5 Mai 212 celebritati
18 Iul 212 celebritati
4 Apr 211 celebritati
15 Sep 210 celebritati
25 Feb 206 celebritati
1 Mai 206 celebritati
19 Iun 204 celebritati
8 Aug 204 celebritati
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Actori nascuti in Octombrie.
András Szöke
András Szöke
October 11, 1962
Nina Agustí
Nina Agustí
October 1, 1966
Leslie Mitchell
Leslie Mitchell
October 4, 1905

Béla Timár
Béla Timár
October 8, 1947
Thérèse Brunnander
Thérèse Brunnander
October 21, 1963
Hal Davis
Hal Davis
October 6, 1909
October 10, 1948
Iván Diószeghy
Iván Diószeghy
October 21, 1952
László Földényi
László Földényi
October 18, 1895
John Macchia
John Macchia
October 30, 1931
Natália Lage
Natália Lage
October 30, 1978
André Mattos
André Mattos
October 8, 1961
Fanna Simó
Fanna Simó
October 1, 1993
Serif Gören
Serif Gören
October 14, 1944
Peter Musäus
Peter Musäus
October 12, 1939
János Bán
János Bán
October 4, 1955
László Dózsa
László Dózsa
October 13, 1942
Balázs Szuhay
Balázs Szuhay
October 20, 1935
Sándor Sörös
Sándor Sörös
October 27, 1951
Anton Bäckman
Anton Bäckman
October 29, 1986
László Szacsvay
László Szacsvay
October 27, 1947
György Bán
György Bán
October 11, 1918
Béla Dóra
Béla Dóra
October 9, 1991
Rakel Wärmländer
Rakel Wärmländer
October 3, 1980
Sándor Terhes
Sándor Terhes
October 25, 1961
András Sváby
András Sváby
October 24, 1964
Christopher Cain
Christopher Cain
October 29, 1943
Tchéky Karyo
Tchéky Karyo
October 4, 1953
Maribel Verdú
Maribel Verdú
October 2, 1970
Kolbjörn Knudsen
Kolbjörn Knudsen
October 13, 1897
Miki Itô
Miki Itô
October 21, 1962
Jordan Christopher
Jordan Christopher
October 23, 1942
Christopher Lloyd
Christopher Lloyd
October 22, 1938
Flávio Migliaccio
Flávio Migliaccio
October 15, 1934
Jodi Lyn O'Keefe
Jodi Lyn O'Keefe
October 10, 1978
Eduard Franz
Eduard Franz
October 31, 1902
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Error at line: 1055 : Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'famousro_ro_famousdata.celebrity.c_views' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

SqlSELECT COUNT(c_id) as counter,c_category FROM celebrity WHERE c_category != '' GROUP BY c_category ORDER BY c_views DESC LIMIT 20